Mount Abu, (height 4000ft.above MSL) a hill station in Rajasthan, tucked away in a cosy corner of the Aravalli ranges, cradled in lush green rolling hills & surrounded by gentle valleys, is a favourite tourist spot for a holiday with the family or for mixing business with pleasure. The climate is pleasant throughout the year. Clothing: Summer-cotton, Monsoon-lightweight wrap for evenings. Winter-woollen clothes for evenings.
The Rajputana Club constructed 135 years ago, enjoyed the patronage of the British Officers & all the Maharajas of Rajputana & Gujarat. Abu was the summer capital during the British Raj.The Club was the center of activity & Dinners & Dances were held in the Ballrooms. Tournaments of Golf,Tennis Cricket etc. were held in the season & the club has a collection of beautiful trophies.
A Divine Retreat: Dilwara Jain Temple in Mount Abu, India
India, a land of diverse cultures and rich heritage, is home to numerous architectural marvels that reflect the country’s spiritual and artistic prowess. Nestled in the picturesque hills of Mount Abu, the Dilwara Jain Temple stands as a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship and religious devotion that has graced the region for centuries.
A Glimpse into History:
Built between the 11th and 13th centuries, the Dilwara Jain Temples are renowned for their intricate marble carvings and architectural brilliance. These temples, dedicated to the Jain Tirthankaras, are a prominent pilgrimage site for followers of Jainism.